Tuesday, June 21, 2011

In Taipei, Taiwan

Fifteen hours on a plane is long! We arrived about an hour ago and will be boarding soon on the plane to HCMC. I took a few minutes to Skype with Michael and the kids: it's nice to see them all!
We had a little scare last night in Toronto, a few minutes before boarding the plane. I received a phone call from the director of the adoption agency, to inform me that the Vietnamese authorities did not want to accept my police check from the Kingston police dept, and that what was explaining why my file was not released yet by the DA. A panic in the air! Somehow, we managed to get a hold of someone at the Kingston police dept (in the middle of the night) and that someone produced a letter for the Vietnamese authorites to give some clarification on the format they use. No need to say I panicked. Thanks to my friend who is with me, she was frantically looking for a fax we might need to use while I was on the phone. Looks like it worked, according to the employee from the agency in Vietnam. She will most likely get my file today from the DA and be able to bring it to Vung Tau to have a ceremony scheduled.
I will be at ease when I am on the flight back from Vietnam, with my son in my arms.

1 comment:

  1. Allo Johanne! Je t'écris ici pour vérifier si on peut bel et bien laisser des commentaires! Je reste en service pour te venir en aide s'il y a quoi que ce soit du côté blogue! ;-) Bon voyage!!

    Manon xxx
