Sunday, June 19, 2011

Countdown and Packing

Time is flying by so fast!  Today is a busy day with packing and last minute stuff to do around the house.  Leaving a husband and 6 children behind with all of the end of the school year activities is stressful, especially when you are a control freak like me.  But they are in good hands anf I have to be confident that everything will be just fine.  However, my husband keeps threatening me he will grow the largest dust bunny ever seen, and also that the kids will be in the same clothes they were in when I left.  Please feel free to call Social Services if this is the case...!

I am allowed to bring 2 pieces of luggage with a max of 50 pounds each.  I am happy I decided to buy the bulk of the donation over there because weight is starting to be an issue.  Most of it will not come back with me (gifts for the people working at the orphanage, diapers, baby wipes, donations) which will leave me room to bring back Vietnamese formula (to ensure a smooth transition in his feedings) and souvenirs.  I will leave behind for the orphanage the clothes I brought for Toan, as I still have a lot for him here in Canada.  You think, the little boy has 2 older siblings the same age: there will always be too many clothes for him!

I am looking forward to seeing where he lives, and by the same token where Logan is from.  Staying in Vung Tau for a few days will enable me to explore around and get a feel of the place.

I guess the next time I write will either be from Toronto airport or from Vietnam.  Please think of me, I am so very nervous!

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